Searching for the one perfect 4 me, and me 4 him

My Sect
My Profession
Marital Status
Never married
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
I am a family person and absolutely hold them very close to my heart. Alhumdulillah we're a decent happy family where everyone gets along with everyone, and everyone's open and frank with one another. Generally speaking you will probably never find us in awkward silence. My 2 of the closest friends happen to be my mom and sis :)
I am moderately religious, which means, I don?t wear a hijaab, and unfortunately do miss a few prayers a day here and there (trying not to).
I am moderate in my views as well and I'd like to think I am an ideal balance of east and west... I guess it is 'relative' so you can decide for yourself 
I don?t date, drink, wear immodest clothes, go clubbing or all that "spoiled and wild girl stuff". However, I do go out with friends (both browns and non-browns, lol) for movies, dinners, sport activities, and the like. Majority of my good friends are our family friends - so all good and shareef girls :)
I like listening to music, watching movies, doing outdoors activities, sports etc. I still like doing fun and arguable crazy stuff such as building a snow man, or constructing a shelf in my closet (yes thats right), or going to an amusement park, or the zoo... or carving pumpkins and dressing up on halloween to hand out candies... or go-carting/paintballing and so on.
Personality-wise I am fun, easy-going, respectful, caring, moral, logical, very level headed, adaptable and reasonable. I am very honest (but I spare feelings... sadly its my weakness Im told, lol). Because I am and will be honest about everything I am justifiably unforgiving if someone has been dishonest with me especially on serious matters .... or even not so serious matters.... I mean, sooner or later things will come out anyway, so lets just begin that way (in short, be warned - don?t lie).

I love learning and having both light & silly and deep & meaningful conversations. I believe in helping people and making a difference whenever possible. I believe I have a fairly decent sense of humor;)
I have (Alhumdulillah) a very close loving family. Traditional in a sense but not to the point of rigid conservative families. Actually we are quite moderate-liberal by strict Pakistani standards, but definitely conservative by western standards, lol.
We are religious (all of us, Alhumdulilah), and have muslim/pakistani values, and at the same time the reasonableness and openness (in a sense) of western society. Anyone who I accept, will Inshallah most likely be welcomed with open arms (given he is a Muslim, preferrably Pakistani ethnicity, is respectful and has a decent family (and I don?t mean by profession... but the values and character).

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What I Am Looking For
My likes in "partner" (basically someone similar to me =).
He has to be reasonable -not too strong headed or unchanging in his views.
Has to be respectful, caring, loving, loyal, responsible, patient, tolerant, honest, honorable and strong. I dont want a submissive person who will not stand up for their loved ones and be fair with them. He must be a family man.
He must be a practicing Muslim (not tooo extreme that I would find difficult to relate, and not just Muslim by name either). Knowing how to pray, eating halal and living halal is high on my list =)
He has to be a person who gets along with ppl easily. My family gets along with everyone and I'd like him to be great with them. Inshallah I will be the same with his family.
Has to be nice, fun, optimistic, and smart (educated/intelligible) with a great sense of humour :)
He has to appreciate that his primary role will be of a provider, and therefore expecting to sit at home while the wife works is out of the question and super uncool.
He must love children and aspire to be an excellent dad.
Must be of helping nature and have a healthy well-balanced social life.
I'd like it if hes adventurous (so I can share my adventurous side with him).

My dislikes: unfaithful/dishonest, intolerant, impatient, rude, strict, boring/unfun, hypocritical, fake, and promiscuous people. Flirts, smokers, drugees, alcohol consumers. Those who disrespect/take advantage of women or anyone for that matter. Very secretive, untrusting, cold and calculating people. Anti-social, bullies, criminals. People who are too independent and want a lot of time to be on their own...

Well, wow, I've produced quite a list... hopefully it doesnt rule out everyone, coz that would truly suck :(. Wishful thinking or not, I will be waiting for that special someone =)

Inshallah may we all be guided and soon be blessed in our search for the one person Allah knows is perfect for us in both life here and hereafter. Ameen.

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
Next year
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Never married
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
I Live With Family
My Height
1.63m (5' 4")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Dark brown
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Bachelors degree
Subject I Studied
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
My Job Title
My Sect
Prefer not to say
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?